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Monday 16 November 2015


A brief seawatch from St Mary's Island this am resulted in only a Black throated Diver on the sea and a Merganser north , with some Purple sandpipers in the foreground . Walking back near the willows the Short Eared Owls where out and about  first one then another and briefly a third , hunting mainly over the wetland putting up Snipe first 6 then up to 20 , then ranging further  afield giving some cracking views  I rattled off numerous shots with varying results  so I have just put in lots for this post .

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Late Tern

Having seen the Long Billed Dowitcher at Cresswell the bird distant and the hide full , I was very interested in the report of Black Tern at Druridge Pools , the bird soon appeared doing a circuit around the pond ,passing the hide into the wind  it did not make it any easier to get shots as they have such a buoyant   flight . Not seen such a late bird hence the interest from me and others to see this bird .
 Even the long range of the SX50 could not pull in  a decent image of the LBD
 It could get the more obliging Snipe though

Friday 6 November 2015

Nearly the last of the Dragonflies

Last Month saw some nice sunny days so I tried to find some Dragonflies ,plenty of Common Darters still around some coupled and ovipositing , also saw a couple of Large Hawkers either Common or Migrant  I'm still at that stage where I need to see them perched or get a reasonable flight shot to ID them , but these where just darting about  and then gone . Funghi starting to come through another subject i like to look at but unless they have a common name most remain a mystery but you can still enjoy them .
 Took this Caterpillar out of a pond on the end of a stick , not sure what it is
 This caught my eye it would make a great macro subject
 This is pristine must have just come through

 Common Darter  this one seems to have clasped a male
 M & F Common Darters clasped in a wheel
 This Lichen on a small stone giving a nice pattern reminding me of ancient Northumberland rock carvings could there be a link .