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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Temminck's Stint

Bank Holiday Monday we  headed  up the coast  ,first stop Lynemouth Flash  with only Sand martins feeding and a few Black-headed's , Cresswell next the water level very high apparently washing out the Avocets ,a pair of Sedge warblers near the Car park but nothing at the North end , 3 Barnacle Geese and a single little Gull present on the west side with some Common Terns sitting on the fence line , surprisingly cold after the weekend numerous Swifts , Swallows and Martins feeding over the area . Druridge Pools was also quiet it was marginally warmer with the shelter of the trees but no Butterflies seen at all. The message of a Temminck's Stint having dropped in at Cresswell so we headed back, but it was not to be seen anywhere , eventually it came into sight though distant , giving us a good opportunity to view this very small wader  it seemed size wise on a par with Linnet and slightly smaller than Pied Wagtail , I tried to digiscope it with these but I was too slow so decided on a bit of video instead.
I tried to find out more about Temminck the BTO lists him as 
Conrad Temminck (1778-1858) Dutch Ornithologist and Collector      
In Dutch it's called Temmincks Strandloper
The tertials hung down as though they where about to be shed ,this was a good chance to get a good look at one of these cracking little waders
This shot showing the darker under feathering of presumably  the upper breast band !

The video turned out slightly better than the stills was hoping to get it with a nearby Pied Wagtail  or Linnets  but they wouldn't contribute .

Sunday 26 May 2013

Marsden Rock

Just been over to South Shields via the ferry to have a look at Marsden Rock I knew there were nesting Kittiwakes there but was surprised at the sheer number with many also nesting on the cliffs to the side , a few pairs of Cormorants on the top and a handfull of Razorbills on the North side this is a fantastic bit of coastline it differs greatly with that just north of the Tyne, I was wanting to check out the coves for access from land and the sea having recently taken up Kayaking I am eager to find new areas to try out when I get a bit more experience , inevitably I have started a birds from a Kayak list its obviously going to have it's limits but I'm off to a good start with more to follow !!
The Ferry having to wait for a passing ship

As is the River Cruise heading down to the mouth of the Tyne
 Marsden Rock I think it was reduced some years ago ( as was the one at Seaton Sluice ) in the interests of health and safety
 Another small stack along the shore with Kittiwakes nesting just over the top

 The beaches practically deserted despite the weather not so Sandhaven though

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Swifts 2013

A pair of Swifts at the nest now I missed them coming in, a lot of mutual preening ,it is very  dark in the nest site  so it's  a good way to re- establish the pair bond