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Monday 11 May 2015

Majorca 2015 part two

Second part of my visit to Majorca April 2015 mosat of these are taken at Albufera Reserve 
 Little Egret just below the hide it just stood and picked up fish ,it must have been a good spot as it chased anything that came near
 Up to 15 Spotted Redshank most  just coming into Summer Plummage
 Black winged Silt very common at the reserve ,nevertheless brilliant watching there constant fighting and chasing
 This Nightingale had favourite spots to sing from and at one stage it hopped around the ground just near where I was having lunch
 Several Ospreys present
 Several pairs of Little Ringed Plover

Spotted Redshank

As you would expect the waterways have some large and plentiful supply of fish that atracts the Osprey

Red Crested Pochard another common bird 

 This Purple Heron was along at the end of a small canal it had a very large Snake not sure if it ate it or just let it go as to much trouble
 If it ate the Snake it did so very quickly as I did not capture it  .these taken with the SX50 at max, as the 400 lens would just not reach
 The usual thing I do with Cettis is try to catch them in heavy undergrowth but patience and early morning wouldsee them feeding on the ground in the open
 Another one just voff a quiet path feeding along the edge
 Two Spotted Redshank having a serious fight for some time

 Heavy crop of Moustached Warbler  I saw it and heard it sing several times but it never came even remotely close
 Another Orchid from just at the Roadside
 Gull-Billed Tern the only one I saw

Wood Sand piper down at the sewage works 
Red Crested Pochard with several young

 Only  a few Night Heron seen and this the only one photographed
These Fish where about 2` 6" to 3` long 

One of two Temmincks Stints at the sewage works also had ,Little Stints and Curlew Sandpiper