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Monday, 28 April 2014

Wryneck- WhitleyBay Cemetery

The news that the Wryneck at Whitley bay Cemetery was still showing and very well to boot saw me head up ,nobody around which was not a good sign , walked the rows back and forth and up and down with no sign it took over an hour and twenty minutes to locate the bird by now there where numerous birders also lured by the term "showing well ". Eventually it did show very well indeed I took my 50D out the case located the bird ,framed it only to find the "no CF  card " flashing before me , into the bag there is always a spare but not today , I have not used it for some months and should have checked the kit first. So I had to leg it back to the car for my SX50 and so the day was rescued somewhat ,with the bird giving a good display as it searched for food ,incredibly cryptic plumage it stood out ok on the grave stones but could easily blend into dry leaves etc. It flew off several times looking incredibly small reminded me of a Sparrow .
The Cementery had 8 services today so parking was a problem.  

 A Blackbird alarm call saw it lay prone briefly and sit here for some time , checking things out

 It was remarked at how grey this bird was I've not seen that many and this being my first Spring bird

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