21-09-09 Waiting for my Tern
Found myself down at the Quayside of Blyth in the late afternoon but without bins or camera, Juvenile Common & Arctic Terns feeding just at the edge the rain had stopped the water was calm the tide up and the sun shinning, perfect for photographing them dipping into the water or just hanging in the air, there was not enough time to go and get my gear so I just watched them in the setting sun, so the next afternoon armed with my camera I waited for some good shots but the wind was stronger and the river surface choppy , the sky overcast and the Terns where just passing along and not feeding so all I got was a couple of shots, so it pays to always have a camera to hand I did have a Kingfisher go down the river and a single Brent go up This has just caught a small fly ,I wonder if the stiff hairs on the legs help to catch them
A little to large for a Dragonfly , I like the shades !!!!!
Just a few of the hundreds of Golden Plover at St Mary's
one overhead
best laid plans and this is all I got
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