The morning spent in looking for Dragonflies at several sites Emperor showing well but always settled either slightly hidden or just to far, female also ovipositing, I was surprised to see the male seem to attack the female if she came to close, I say attack as he crashed straight into her and they seem to grapple, but it's over very quickly.
Later that afternoon I went to Church point for some Seawatching, as much to look for Cetaceans as sea birds , there was nobody there when I arrived about 15:45 a few Manx moving North was enough to keep me looking, at about 17:00 a Storm Petrel close in gave the best views I have had of one from shore as it headed North ,others arrived Manx numbers increased, and Sooty Shearwaters put in an appearance with one just over the breakers with the light perfect it turned out to be a good session.
160 Manx
6 Sooty
1 Storm Petrel ( there where two others seen but I did not get onto them)
Velvet Scoter
4 Great Skua
5 Arctic Skua I will have to look up the name of this moth I have trapped them in the garden before !!
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