14-04-08 Red Breasted Goose
The report of two Avocets in the area of Cresswell saw me drive that way, going over the hill at Hemscott I could see the pools where larger than usual so I thought I would have a look on the off chance they had dropped in there, walking through 7-8 Yellowhammers , and three Redshank lifted, which reminded me that most birds flush from here as there is no cover, looking at some Geese to the side just to count them I was very surprised to find a Red Breasted Goose,but they had seen me and where off, a few shots before they where in the distance towards East Chevington,which is where it landed , (on the drive there the Hooded Crow was in the field so I stopped for a couple of shots )hidden by a hedge and a dip in the field it only showed in small gaps, about 7pm it took off and flew back South. I know there is going to be a great deal of doubt about it's origins, but I was thrilled to find it for myself a bird I have looked and longed for , for some years, being a life tick, I don't give a monkeys what anybody else thinks it's on my list !!! ( it could be around for months and take the edge off a bit ,but we will see )
Went down to Druridge Pools for the Avocets which showed well also a Green Winged Teal, and a Barn Owl right past the screen with another at Cresswell as I drove past Hooded Crow the dunes just north of Cresswell
Green Winged Teal Druridge Pools
Kestrel Druridge Pools with prey Digiscoped
Avocet as they headed East
GW Teal? guess where I will be tomorrow morning - I still need barn owl for the year too! good to get RB goose on the list though. Well Done for finding it!
The GWT was just sitting asleep on the pool ,you must have missed it !!!!
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