6-05-07 North Northumberland on a windy day
What a day we have chosen for a walk to Alnhamoor started off at Alnham followed the well rutted ( by motorbikes) track up the hill then headed for Alnhamoor the wind was very strong no chance of raptors in this wind Skylarks still attempted to sing but where drowned out, plenty of Meadow Pipits as usual, also Wheatears but not as many as I would have thought for the area Curlews flew over calling they always look and sound better on the moors, at the farm plenty of Sand Martins, Swallows and a couple of House Martins also two Oystercatchers, and further on two Common Sandpiper on the burn, two Red Legged Partridge lifted in front of us they now seem more common than Grey, followed the valley below Little Dod towards Salters Road, plenty of Reed Bunting here with Stonechats and my first Whinchat for the year but no chance of a photo, onto the track and back to the car not a stroll this but had the weather been better I would have taken more time where the birds where, the wind never let up with one heavy shower making the going tough. Small Copper,trying not to get blown away
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