That Was The Week That Was
Not much happening for me at the moment seem to have been all over with not much to show for it Snow scene near Bolam
Not the best shot of Brambling but they where very wary
Not much happening for me at the moment seem to have been all over with not much to show for it Snow scene near Bolam
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Northumbrian Birding
Short video showing the heavy bull neck & open wings.
"Glaucous from the Greek 'glaucos' meaning bright or gleaming" there seems to be a few around this winter these two at Linton pond on the 16th this one seems to have a full crop it seemed to drink constantly ,the strong light seemed to make the bird look darker at times,a second bird preening on one of the islands I thought was a second or third winter but it could just be the overexposed shot ,it did not hang around for long so I had no time to adjust the settings ,another bird a Hollywell pond on Friday and one briefly at Linton again today ,two Barnacle geese and a collared Greylag with the raucous Canada's.
Had a good chat with the infamous mystery birder as we waited for the gulls to drop in !!!!!!
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Northumbrian Birding
I am still having trouble with my eyesight so not going to far ,I have managed to get Green Winged Teal, & Glaucous,down Warkworth Lane on Saturday and there was a good candidate for Water Pipit feeding along the edge of a small frozen pool with 14 Pied Wagtails, to far to get a good look will have to take my scope down for a better look. Pixie or Vulcan !!!!!!!
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Northumbrian Birding
Started off at Seaton Sluice but still nothing new,on to the links near St Mary's to try for Med gulls but not a gull to be seen along the shoreline, next to Linton at least the Bullfinch showed well & Water Rail across in front of the hide,Whoopers on the way to Cresswell, where a Peregrine put on a fine display also Sparrowhawk ,with a Kingfisher in front of the hide,called in via QEII pon where I had Gadwall & Great Crested Grebe and the sight of 24 Pied Wagtails in the carpark, total would make a reasonable day list but given the weather it's not bad.
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Northumbrian Birding
The weather is not helping in my quest for 200, the very strong winds have cleared the gulls etc from Blyth harbour,on to Seaton Sluice for some seawatching but nothing new on to St Mary's where it was even stronger winds being more exposed so the some total was an other 11 species.
EDIT looking on the net there is a report of Couse's arctic Redpoll in the midlands I can't even find any information on the net as to it's origin ?presume it is one of the birds disccussed on the BIRDFORUM I.D. posts, redpolls are at times not that easy to see but are worthy of a good grilling.64 for day two
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Northumbrian Birding
Well what a crap start to the New Year weather wise at any rate, I left this morning as a man on a mission , but that soon faded as the rain got heavier, started at WE for the Water Pipit hard to see the pond let alone the bird, but it was easier to see the Pied Wagtails,so I let them find me the Pipit so after checking (all the salient features) and the rest of the area which also turned up Grey Wagtail, I thought I would go to Big Waters for the feeding station but it was rather quiet also but Goosander , GSW , Fieldfare the ever present Tree Sparrows with Sparrowhawk through,so I thought the next stop would be try for the Hen Harrier , fat chance in this weather , but there was always the hope of something else scanned the area from the road where I had seen it just the other day rain eased, but nothing, on to Cresswell , Smew, Scaup RB Merganser,Pochard,Tufted,Wigeon ,Teal no sign of the Ruff , the rain got fell heavy now and the light was going fast so I just ended the day there ,went home to do the math which took no effort on my part a total of only 53.
Hardly the start I had envisaged missing loads of easy stuff anyway the task is young it was not the intention to get a large day list that would have involved planning and much better weather.
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Northumbrian Birding