2-10-08 On the Bike
The 2nd of October another sunny day still good numbers of Common Darters at suitable spots and a Wall Brown, two Adult Meds at Cresswell when I got there and I got a couple of views of the Bittern, with for me the first Barnacles over with three late morning ,, followed by lots more, I cycled up to as far as Hauxley, with The lone Whooper still around ,a Short Eared Owl past Druridge looked like it had just come in off Hauxley had amongst the "domestic" stuff 32 Pinkfeet with a neck collared LBD (to send in) also 10 Barnacles on the Island.
Back to Cresswell with Geese still coming in and another SEO in the field east of the track to the hide a great afternoon out. I did see the Bittern a few times but a photo was another matter
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