10-09-08 Cresswell "hotspot"
The recent heavy rain had apparently done what the NWT thought would be a waste of time, the force of water was so great for so long that it pushed it's way through the sand bar and greatly reduced the water level of the pond, revealing lots of food rich mud and attracting a large and assorted number of waders, news of a Buff Breasted Sandpiper at the north end just as I was pulling into the farm car park, the bird showed on the east shore and came closer at the north end giving good views ,a great little bird , also present,
8 Curlew Sandpipers
15 Black-Tailed Godwits
5 Bar Tailed Godwits
9 Knot
30+ Golden plover
40 Snipe
30 Dunlin
Lapwings & Curlew, with F Marsh over, and Merlin & Sparrowhawk
Still lot's of migrants around along the coast, Spottted Flycatchers in good numbers as with Willow Warblers, and still Pied Fly & Redstart, also had a Hawker Dragonfly briefly but it did not settle, Barn Owl just as I was heading out of the hide was a bonus
8 Curlew Sandpipers
15 Black-Tailed Godwits
5 Bar Tailed Godwits
9 Knot
30+ Golden plover
40 Snipe
30 Dunlin
Lapwings & Curlew, with F Marsh over, and Merlin & Sparrowhawk
Still lot's of migrants around along the coast, Spottted Flycatchers in good numbers as with Willow Warblers, and still Pied Fly & Redstart, also had a Hawker Dragonfly briefly but it did not settle, Barn Owl just as I was heading out of the hide was a bonus
Close up of a Spotted Flycatcher showing the makeup of the eyering and the rictal bristles at the base of the bill
Lovely shots. I was along there today. Lets hope the NWT leave well alone.
It just gets better, and actually I hope the NWT take heed and start to "manage" this site properly, not just for the odd rarity but for the other diverse passage waders & ducks that it obviously can attract given the right conditions, is that not the aim of a reserve.
Off the soap box now and thanks for the comments.
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