6-9-08 More than rain fell today
I don't think I have ever seen as much rain fall as today, a break in the late afternoon had me out the door and around to the park, Wheatears on the grass and several Redstarts flitting around, Goldcrests calling, more Redstarts along the south edge with Willow Warblers, Pied Flycatcher,Spotted Flycatcher, Blackcaps, Lesser Whitethroat & a Wood Warbler a Pipit in deep cover showed briefly looking sandy buff with light flank streaks, looking clean overall only seen briefly and not relocated, probably Tree Pipit as is this rather bedraggled looking bird seen through the mesh of the tennis courts, a good couple of hours in between the heavy rain Tree pipit on the tennis court
Tree Pipit for me too = nice wing bar.
You did well even taking the camera out in this weather never mind getting some shots.
What a great couple of day's birding,Warblers in some unlikely places right in the town centre.
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