31-05-08 Saturday of The Great Snipe
The message of a Great Snipe at Holy Island ,packed the car,called for more petrol and I was off ,Boulmer Birders account is far better than anything I can write, but the summary is the same we did not see it , so all the photos I got that day where of plants , and I ended twisting my ankle tramping across the dunes with all my gear,but it was still worth all the effort and a thanks to the lads that found the bird for trying to get us all to see it . Northern Marsh Orchid
Coralroot Orchid, apparently the red stem is due to the habitat, I think this was 6-7" tall in old money.
Plants they don't move(unless the winds blowing) and they don't fly away but still find them tricky to photograph.
For anyone that is interested I think English Nature have days where they will show them in organized groups ask GOOGLE.
Fantastic shots much better than the ones I took and I was pleased with them!
AB, thanks it is surprising how many photos are out of focus when I get them on the computer.
Anon, yes I am behind in my blog been away for a week !!
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