Garden Warbler
I have been trying a few recordings of late here is a Garden Warbler Cramlington Northumberland , not sure what model the motorbike is though !, I have not as yet edited it so this is as is !!!Northumbrian Birding ,Garden Warbler
I have been trying a few recordings of late here is a Garden Warbler Cramlington Northumberland , not sure what model the motorbike is though !, I have not as yet edited it so this is as is !!!Northumbrian Birding ,Garden Warbler
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Northumbrian Birding
Brian - which GW was this one? The one in the copse east of the fire station access road and north of the bollards? How did you record it?
I had two one as you say and another in the small copse to the north ,I have a small recording device just getting used to it.
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