Druridge Pools & Newbiggin
Mediteranean Gull,
I just spent the day as others did looking for the Raddes Warbler trapped and ringed yesterday at Druridge, it was reported as still showing today , and along with the Glossy Ibis still showing well it meant there was lots of people around even a trip bus parked on the road.
No sign of the bird by mid afternoon,the Ibis along the far shore, and a Greenshank beside the hide.
Another run to Newbiggin as the light was better to get some more shots of the Med Gulls , at least 12 birds today but oddly could not find the colour ringed birds , although the rings could just be out of sight The wind picking up playing havoc with this bird .
Some lovely photo's, I will have to look out for these wonderful gulls when I visit Newbiggin
Thanks Michelle, Newbiggin is a good place to catch up with them ,not just on the beach but sitting on the tops of lights,roofs etc:,in the village.
I photographed one right on the top of the sailing club flag pole, but did not use it in the end.
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