October 1st.............................. already
It became sunny and warm late morning so I thought I would just check perhaps for the last time this year , a small pond which I have permission to visit on private land, several snipe lifted from the edge and usually a Heron or two if not at the pond then in the fields, I came across this stuff at the edge, larger than Rabbit droppings gelatinous balls dark brown all seemed individual pieces all along the west shore but presume just blown over that way as yet no idea what it is , any ideas ?
Common Dater still in good numbers but no sign of anything else , Goldfinch in small numbers as where Linnets, Chiffchaff singing as it fed in the tops , it gave me something to try and photograph anyway.
Went to Cramlington on the way back and then via West Hartford, a couple of weeks ago as I passed here a Lesser -black Backed Gull was feeding on roadkill in the middle of the road, not seen one do this before ,although it's probably common, about 50 Lapwing and a single Redshank was all I could see. They are building a new fire station here, the build is completely fenced off and workers have to go through a turnstile to get in or out , it looks very odd !!!!
It looks like I should have gone seawatching given the numbers of Poms seen , I thought about it but would have had to come back early anyway so my loss it seems . This stuff looking a bit like Bladder Wrack pods no idea what it is ???
Nice pics brian..like the new header.
Thanks Nigel ,but what about my mystery stuff ,thought somebody would of had a punt !!!
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